
LB 453-455 T

John Locke (1632-1704) discussed language because he had found that,” There is so close a connection between ideas and words…that it is impossible to speak clearly and distinctly of our knowledge, which all consists of propositions, without considering first, the nature, use, and signification of language “ which he did not equate with reason. God had” designed man for a sociable creature, ...under a necessity to have fellowship with those of his own kind;…furnished him also with language…the greatest instrument, and common tie of society.” To that end man’s organs were fashioned “ to form articulate sounds “and he was given the ability “to use these sounds as signs of internal conceptions, and to make them stand as marks for the ideas within his own mind…” Reading Locke up to this point, one may have gained the impression that he regarded language and society as creations of God. However, he continues in the next chapter:

John Locke 討論到語言,因為他發現思想和語言之間有著密不可分的關係.不可能和我們的知識清楚地區隔開來.因為我們的知識包含了語言的本質,使用方式和文字本身的意義.在此,他並沒有將理性加入討論.上帝將人創造成具社會性的受造物,同時提供人類語言,因為語言是最好的工具,也是共同的社會約束.為了讓語言成為共同的社會約束,人類的發音器官被上帝塑造成是用來產生發音清晰的聲音,並同時賦予人類用聲音表達內在思想的能力,讓聲音成為人們表達思想的符號. 在看完Locke的論述之後,或許有人認為他將語言和社會視為上帝的創造物,然而,他在下一個章節繼續談論到:

“The comfort and advantage of society, not being to be had without communication of thoughts, it war necessary that man should find out some external sensible signs, whereby those invisible ideas… might be known to others. For this purpose, nothing was so fit, either for plenty or quickness, as those articulate sounds, which, with so much ease and variety, he found himself able to make.”[48]


So that language had been “found” by man in order to benefit from “the comfort and advantages of society” and no longer had he been “designed as a social creature” and simply been “furnished with language.” Locke appears to have abandoned the conviction of the importance of the social factor in the origin of language when he later discussed the invention of words by Adam. (According to the Bible Adam was alone when he named the animals) [49]. Locke has been extensively quoted, because the widely held thesis that he saw the origin of language as a free act of invention[50] does not appear acceptable without some reservations.¹


A defender of Locke’s sensualism, the Abbé Etiénne Bonnot de Condillac (1715-1780) thought that man’s first language consisted of gestures and inarticulated noises which were“ based on the construction of our bodily instruments”[51].This gesture language already contained artificially chosen and used signs. But Condillac is careful to differentiate artificially created from willfully chosen signs.² Articulated sounds were used initially to emphasize gesture language. Then sounds came to be used in imitation of natural sounds. Gradually, as articulated sounds were increasingly used, gesture language was replaced by articulated language. This transition was favored by the discovery that sounds are suitable for the expression of the physical characteristics of objects. The first names did not contain any truth about object, for they reflected only peoples’ impressions of objects, not the nature of the object itself [52]. The understanding of gesture language, like the comprehension of a picture had required the application of analysis and the use of analogy. Articulated language differed from gesture language only in one respect. Ideas were presented in succession instead of simultaneously [53].³


Although Nature gave man “nearly complete freedom to do as he wills” in articulated language, she” guides us by putting the first sounds in our mouths and we discover other sounds by analogy” [54].Condillac concluded by saying:


“I have said enough… to show that languages are the work of nature, that they were formed so to say, without us and that we, as we worked at language, blindly followed our way of seeing and feeling.”
Language is for man the result of an inner need, just as it is in children. Once we begun to speak, we have to drive to enrich our language with new expressions [55]. The inquiry into the basic principles of language would have to consider first that language which we have by virtue of our “bodily organization.” Once we shall have discovered the principles according to which we speak, we shall understand the rules for speaking any other language [56]. The organic nature of language or its biological basis was apparently not just a theoretical concept to Condillac, for he saw the need to investigate and apply it to the study of languages.


In the opinion of George Louis Leclerc de Buffon (1707-1788), a specifically active sense of hearing in man plays an important role in language formation. Articulation is considered less important, in view of the belief that apes also have organs for articulation. All people speak naturally, and Buffon is the first to make this the primary difference between man and animal. Man spoke because he had reason. Animals do not have language because they lack man’s ability to think and cannot connect concepts [57].
Even for the author of the “Nature History,” reason seemed to be the most basic aspect of language. However, in the mid-eighteenth century man’s reason was, strictly speaking, not considered a part of nature. A more naturalistic approach is expressed in the “Lectures on the Theory of Language and Universal Grammar,” publisher in 1762 by Joseph Priestley (1733-1804). All social creatures have a God-given way of communication, and languages are like plants, which grow, blossom, and then wilt. The complexity of a language is never the result of design, but is due to accident and the structure of Man’s speech organs. Languages are subject to natural law ,therefore one should not attempt to fix strict rules for its usage [58].

即使是《Natural History》的作者,Buffon,亦將理性視為語言當中最基礎的一部分.然而,在18世紀中葉,人類的理性,更嚴格地說,不再被視為本質的一部分,在1762年,Joseph Priestley所出版的”Lectures on the Theory of Language and Universal Grammar”「語言理論.普遍語法」中,自然主義可見一斑.人類擁有上帝所賦予的溝通的天賦,而語言就像植物一樣,會成長,茁壯,凋零.語言之所以會複雜是由於人類發音器官的內部結構.語言是屬於自然法則的一部分,任何人都不應該企圖用嚴格的規則去規範它的用法.
