
LB 015-018 T

(3) Developmental History of the Central Regulatory Mechanism

The logical argument offered by Lashley is supported by an impressive array of experimental findings. We have mentioned the experiments on salamander larvae in which limb buds were transplanted to inappropriate sites. If a left forelimb is amputated from a donor animal and transplanted as a supernumerary limb to a host animal where it is allowed to regenerate into the right armpit, the extra limb is soon found to be moving smoothly. No tonic rigidity is noticed, and therefore we must assume that agonist and antagonist muscles receive innervation that is appropriate to the muscle. Interestingly enough, the limb will move at the tome that is appropriate for a forelimb to move; since, however, we have changed sides in the process of transplantation, the super numerary limb will move in the opposite direction from the original limb that is next to it. Thus one limb cancels the effect of the other, and it is possible to have a preparation with totally paradoxical behavior.


What is the nature of this relationship between the limb and the brain? How can reciprocal innervation of muscles and timing of the limb with respect to other limbs be established in a fairly orderly way where there could not have been any neuronal “wiring” for the additional leg? Inspection under the microscope of the regenerated tissues does not reveal any visible order. Never fibers seem to have sprouted every which way, and the established connections seem to be entirely random. Could this be a delusion due perhaps to insufficient power of resolution of the light microscope? Is it possible that the nerve sprouts actually find their way to the appropriate muscle because of some unknown biochemical affinity between muscle and nerve? At first this possibility was never entertained. Instead it was thought that muscles were physiologically tuned to specific neuronal messages and simply responded whenever they “heard their name over the public address system.” This hypothesis was known as the muscle-resonance theory. However, Wiersma(1931) disproved the theory by recording electrical potentials from the nerves. Subsequently, the orderly recovery of motor coordination in the transplanted limb was interpreted on the basis of structural connections. There are two essential possibilities here. Either the nervous system entirely fixed and proper connections are made at the periphery in the way first mentioned, that is, fibers that carry given messages have the capacity of finding their way into the appropriate muscle during regeneration; or the muscles have the capacity of influencing the nerves that grow into them and thus affect the central nervous system retrogradely.


The first of these two possibilities has gained plausibility in most recent investigations (Mark, 1965) , although it is still far from established. The second possibility is favored by many of the neuroembryologists who had made the original discoveries on lower vertebrates. In Weiss’s own words (1950b) : It is thought now that “each muscle has a specific biochemical differential, that it projects this differential into the motor nerve fibers that come to innervate it and thus tunes (modulates) the motor ganglion cells to a specificity appropriate for the particular muscle. The ganglion cells have received their specificity by a retrograde influence (modulation) from the muscle itself.” Until recently, Sperry (1958) believed that the biochemical influence exerted by the muscle upon the nerve actually induces synaptic changes in the central nervous system. But Eccles et al. (1962) found only limited support for this interpretation, lending credence to Mark’s (1965) interpretation, a point of view that is also now favored by Sperry (1963). For an up-to-date review of the entire topic see Weiss (1965).
此兩種假設雖然和以建立的理論有一段差距,但仍在之後的研究中逐漸取得合理性.其中,第二種假設最受到許多從事研究較低階脊椎動物的神經病理學者支持.在Weiss所提出的論述中:每一條肌肉都具有生物化學上的差異,並將這樣的差異性投射於運動神經的組織中,並且改變運動神經節細胞,成為只針對某特定肌肉發展的細胞.神經節細胞接收到這樣的訊息是受到肌肉本身調整的影響.一直到西元1958年,Sperry相信運用神經肌肉在生物化學上的影響,在中樞神經系統上確實減少了生殖細胞在進行減數分裂的前期,相同染色體互相結合的現象.但是,Eccles et.al在西元1962年發現只有少數研究支持這項理論,而對於Mark在西元1965年的研究給予肯定.同時也獲得了Sperry的支持.相關最新的且完整的論述可以參考Weiss (1965).

The importance of the original discovery is that in phylogenetically primitive vertebrates (and probably during fetal stages of most other vertebrates) there is an inescapable BaupIan (blueprint) for both the gross form and the sensory-motor integration. The surgical rearrangement experiments on lower forms show how difficult it is to interfere with the “preestablished harmony” of the movements of muscles throughout the body which accounts for smooth coordination.


Compare this situation with rearrangement experiments in mammals and adult forms of lower vertebrates. If the nerves which normally feed a flexor and extensor pair of muscles, respectively, are interchanged surgically and are allowed to regenerate into the wrong muscle, subsequent coordination becomes disordered and remains so.


The difference in the results of rearrangement between lower and higher forms is not as paradoxical as it might appear at first. Table 1.1 summarizes the situation for easier reference. We discern here the emergence of a specific theme. For all animals examined, rigid plans for development of form and motor coordination seem to exist. In primitive forms, tissues are less differentiated or specialized and thus participate in the organization responsible for motor coordination; end organs may influence the structure and function of centers as much as the centers may influence the periphery. The result is preservation of the original plan for integration. In adult and higher forms, tissues become more and more specialized and thus more independent of each other. The motor-integration plan is no longer “inscribed” in tissues other than those directly concerned with coordination, principally the brain. The basic plan or plans (the dispatch schedules) for sensory motor coordination are still as rigidly inherent in the internal organization of the animal but they are stored now in the central nervous system alone. In this context, the dimension of plasticity-rigidity refers exclusively to adaptation and readjustment of internal process, not to an animal’s adaptation to environmental conditions.
