LB 038-042 T
A most important aspect of facial anatomy is the shape and nature of our cheeks and their relation to the size of the mouth. The architectural peculiarities of man’s skull and jaw brought about modifications in the configuration of the cheeks. They cover most of the molars during all comfortable movements of the mouth and under no circumstances are we able to bare all our teeth. In Fig. 2.4 the anatomical layers of the facial muscles are well illustrated. Once the superficial modiolar muscles are removed, the extremely sturdy muscles of the cheeks, the buccinator, may be seen, and Fig. 2.5 the insertion of this muscle in the jaws demonstrates the enclosing nature of the soft tissues around the gap between the jaws.
臉部解剖學上的結構,最重要的部分是有關於它的形狀,臉頰的特性,以及它們和口腔大小之間的關係.人類頭骨,颌骨結構的特殊性造成了臉頰結構上的修正.有關口腔所有的舒適活動中,它們涵蓋了大部分的臼齒, 並且讓我們可以暴露我們所有的牙齒.在圖2.4中,有關臉部肌肉在解剖學上構造的層次可以看得很清楚.當外表像蜗的軸肌肉在移動時,臉頰最結實的肌肉,頰肌,可能會顯現出來.在圖2.5中,颌骨肌肉的附著點顯示了包含在颌骨間隙中的軟組織的特性.
The topography described so far is relevant to the production of the following speech sounds: the relatively small mouth and the highly mobile, powerful lips allow instantaneous building up of air pressure followed by sudden release employed in the labial stops p and b, said to be one of the earliest sounds produced by the children. If the release of the lips is less sudden and closure sustained in the presence of vocalization, the sound m is produced. The intricate muscular anatomy around and in the corners of the mouth also comes regularly into play during the production of all vowels and labio-dentals such as f, v, w, and wh.
局部解剖學至今描述了有關以下聲音的產生:在發唇塞音p,b時,孩童最容易發的音之一,是小唇和活動性最強的唇部允許瞬間氣壓的增強,使得唇部突發性的張開所產生的.如果唇部的開闔沒有這麼突然,並承受了母音化的發音,則m的聲音就產生了.肌肉在解剖上的複雜性和口腔的角度也使得在發母音和脣齒音,例如f, v, w和wh形成了規律性.
(2) Topographical Anatomy of Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Hypopharynx
We must now consider the general configuration of the internal organs that are effective during speech and their anatomical relationship to one another.
Man’s skull deviates from the skull of other primates in several respects. Most of the deviations may be attributed to either of two major factors: (1) the increase in volume of the brain and (2) the change in posture and the concomittant shift of the center of gravity of the head. The geometic transformations shown in Fig. 2.6 illustrate these points.
The changes that have taken place affect the entire configuration of the sound-producing structures. Thus the internal geometry of all resonating chambers is altered despite the fact that all bones, muscles, and other soft tissues have homologues among higher primates. Figures 2.7 to 2.11 show some of the alterations, although the exact shape of the tongue and soft palate during lifetime cannot be inferred from these photographs because of fixation artifacts ( due particularly to postmortem shrinkage of interstitial substances). Nevertheless, it is clear that the radio of height, length, and width of the oral cavity is different in man from that of his closest of skin and there must be concomitant shifts in the relative position, suspension, and attachment of the tongue.
Also interesting is the position and orientation of the incisors relative to tip of tongue and oral cavity. In apes and many monkeys the mandible forms a “shelf” that is anterior to the tongue tip with the incisors pointing outward; when the mouth is closed in the orangutan and gorilla, the upper and lower incisors meet at an angle. Man, on the other hand, gives the impression of having the incisors and the bones in which they are imbedded pushed into the oral cavity. Thus flattens out the angle formed by the incisors when the mouth is closed.
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